- Eat at least one good serving of uncooked food (fruit and vegetables) before every meal. For example, you'll be pleased by how much weight you'll lose and how much better you'll feel if you eat an apple before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- It won't kill you to skip a meal on occasion. In fact, if you overeat on fast foods at lunch, as so many people do, you'd be better off not having the evening meal... or, if you do have it, make it a light meal of fruit and salad. Many health nuts skip at least three meals a week. Some even skip all food entirely for one 24-hour period every week.
- For Pete's sake, slow down and chew your food. If you're bolting every mouthful, you're not going to digest the food properly and will end up with indigestion and smelly farts that won't help you advance at work!
- Your mouth and throat contain delicate tissues that don't care much for being frozen or burned. So avoid the common tendency to drink liquids that are steaming hot or freezing cold.
- Keep your liquid drinking at meal time to a minimum, if at all. Though it's a controversial topic, many natural health nuts (including the one writing these tips) think it makes sense to not dilute salivary and digestive juices with meal-time liquids. Try having a few meals with nothing to wash them down. If you're like me, your digestion will thank you for making this simple change.
Most people make the mistake of reading tips like these but never acting on them.
That's stupid.
If you put into action the five tips I just shared with you, one week from today you will feel significantly better than you feel right now.
If you don't believe me, try them for a week and then come back to this blog entry and report your results.
I dare you.
I double-dare you!
Chet Day
Editor, The Health Circus
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