Saturday, April 29, 2006

Banana Recipes

One of my favorite health writers is a guy by the name of John Tobe, who, unfortunately, isn't with us any longer.

Well, that's not exactly true. He'll always be with us in the terrific books he wrote on natural health topics.

Today I'd like to share one of John's banana recipes that I enjoy very much, and I think you'll like it too.

Tope Banana Whip

2 bananas
1 Tbs lemon juice
1 Tbs. honey
1 oz. almonds

Combine ingredients in the blender and beat up into a whip. Drink and smack your lips and say, "Ahh!"

Speaking of bananas, here's a banana cookie recipe courtesy of Marilyn Schultz that you'll also like...

Date a Banana Cookies

3 ripe bananas
1 cup dates (I sometimes use raisins also)
2 cups rolled oats
1/3 cup oil
1 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350F degrees.

In large bowl, mash the bananas, stir in oats, dates, oil and vanilla. Mix well and allow to sit for 15 minutes.

Drop by teaspoonful onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 15-20 minutes (depending on your oven).

Whoa, now you have two healthy banana recipes for your files.

Chet Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Natural Hiccup Cure

I've been collecting natural hiccup cures for years, and today I'll like to share a few of the more interesting ones with you.

When I was still teaching high school, if a student got the hiccups, I'd slowly meander my way over to where she was sitting. I'd then move behind her desk, reading a poem or leading a discussion or something, and would then bend down and yell, "Boo!" Believe me, the hiccups went away in a hurry.

A similar technique that works best with an adult male with the hiccups is to walk up to him and look him straight in the eye and then say, "I heard about you and my wife, and I don't like it one bit."

If it's a female friend or acquaintance of co-worker with the hiccups, approach them in the same serious manner and say, "I can't believe the boss fired you this morning."

Both of these techniques will stop hiccups faster than you can say, "I'll eat a bicycle seat."

Here's one I learned from Cecil, a reader of one of my free newsletters...
Reach back with your right hand and press your middle finger into your spine between the vertebra as far down as you can reach and hold for about a minute. The trick with all these remedies is to change the tension on the diaphragm muscle. So whether you are being scared or shocked or standing on your head or drinking water upside down or whatever, that is what makes it work.
Finally, I learned this one from the Internet: Go up to someone with the hiccups and say, "I'll give you ten dollars if you can hiccup again."

If you have a hiccup cure you'd like to share, use the comment link below and start typing.

Chet Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Workout Recovery Drink

I don't know about you, but after I finish jogging or lifting weights, I can usually go for a refreshing workout recovery drink.

And of course having a nutrient-rich drink is a smart thing to do since you've just stressed your body and broken down millions of cells. At this point, you need something nutritious to help your ole bod create healthy, new cells.

My favorite post work-out cell replacer is an 8-ounce glass of freshly extracted vegetable juice composed of about two ounces of carrot juice mixed with six ounces of a combination of celery, kale, Romaine lettuce, tomato, apple, and anything else that looks good in the veggie bin.

Swirling the first mouthful of this concoction through the choppers and up and over the tongue is a taste treat that can't be beat.

Adding a little dab of hot sauce or juicing a tiny jalapeno without the other veggies (juice it first so the next user of the juice machine isn't in for a hot surprise) makes a memorable drink that will leave you smacking your lips in happiness.

So sweat up a storm with your daily exercise and then feed the cells with a fresh glass of veggie juice. What a great way to end an afternoon with a delicious workout recovery drink.

Chet Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Thursday, April 20, 2006

An Apple a Day

Modern science has reported on the health benefits of eating apples and reported that apple eating inhibits the growth of bowel and liver cancer cells in the laboratory.

Rui Hai Liu, lead scientist at Cornell's Department of Food Science, wrote in the journal Nature: "Our results indicate that natural antioxidants from fresh fruit could be more effective than a dietary supplement."

How amazing.

Research scientists continue to confirm that foods made by Nature are actually better for the human body than processed foods and supplements.

So stop at the store today and purchase a bag of apples.

Even better, visit your health food store and purchase a bag of organically-grown apples that haven't been dipped in wax.

And then eat two or three every day.

Click here to read a wonderful article that fully details the health value of apples.

Chet Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Monday, April 17, 2006

Artichoke Facial Mask

Let's start this week with some easy directions for a healthy facial mask you can make at home.

Your skin's going to love this concoction!

To make this natural and healthy facial mask...
Mash two well-cooked artichoke hearts or two canned artichoke hearts (in water not oil) in a bowl.

Add 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and 1 teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar.

Mix well until you have a smooth paste.

Apply the mask to your face, neck and upper chest. Leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse off with tepid water. Pat dry with a soft fluffy towel.
Whoa, talk about young and happy skin!

Oh, one more thing. If you're not into making your own natural health skin care solutions, click here to learn about my favorite facial mask product.

Chet Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Foot Fungus Cure

Did you know that urine can be an effective foot fungus cure?

Anyone who reads my health writings knows I have an overly-developed sense of humor, so let me preface today's natural health tip by saying that I'm not joking with what you're about to read.

With that said, I've been researching some natural foot fungus cures lately.

Well, the other day, a new suggestion came in from a friend of mine, a licensed pharmacist whose avocation lies with helping his clients by referring them whenever possible to natural solutions rather than to strong drugs.

He doesn't make as much money this way, of course, but he helps more people and makes a lot of friends, and that's what it's all about anyway, near as I can tell.

Okay, here's what my buddy told me in his letter regarding a natural cure for foot fungus:
Hey, Chet, between you, me, and the printer cable, the fastest and cheapest and most effective way to go after good ole foot fungus... your own urine. I know peeing on your feet in the shower sounds whacked, but I have used it effectively and passed it out dozens of times from behind the Prozac counter. And with a host of positive feedback.
Well, I was glad to get this fascinating suggestion from my friend because I've always been interested in urine. I mean, seriously, with so much of it coming out of us every day, how can we not be?

Although I don't have space to write an epistle on this, I do want to say that, contrary to the bad press it gets, human urine is sterile and not something filthy that we should cringe about when we mention its name.

I mean, seriously, my pharmacist friend and I aren't recommending that you drink the stuff, though people in India have been doing just that for thousands of years for apparently good reasons.

But that's another story.

Anyway, if you have a nasty case of foot fungus and want to try the easiest and least expensive home cure I'm presently aware of, pour or pee some of your own urine on the problem in the shower, let it set for a minute or two, and then wash it off. Repeat as necessary whenever you shower until the problem heals.

By the way, after reading this tip, Linda S wrote, "There is another less offensive remedy. For real. Soak a cup of corn meal in warm to very warm water for about an hour, then soak the affected area in the 'meal water.' This can be done while watching you favorite tv show in the evening. Repeat as necessary. Supposedly, two to three times in a week should do the trick."

There, now you have two natural foot fungus cures for the price of one!

And if you have a natural foot fungus cure, click on the comment link below and share it with the thousands of health seekers who read this blog at least once a day.

Chet "Pisser" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Healthy Leg Veins

As a male, I, of course, don't really care what my legs look like, though I've been told on a few occasions when I jogged or played tennis that I had handsome wheels.

On the other hand, I do very much appreciate the legs that hold up female bodies, so I thought it would be helpful today to share some tips for maintaining healthy legs:

Experts recommend the following self-care treatments for healthier leg veins:
  • Don't cross your legs when you sit.

  • Take warm, not hot, baths, and end by splashing cold water on the legs.

  • Avoid high heels. Low-heeled shoes work calf muscles more, which is better for veins. Don't wear tight clothes around your calves or groin that can restrict circulation.

  • Take three or four 10- to 15-minute breaks daily to elevate your legs above the level of your heart (for example, by lying down with your legs resting on three or four pillows).

  • Avoiding long periods of sitting or standing. Make a point of changing your position, shifting from one leg to the other or walk gently back and forth, frequently to encourage blood flow.

  • Weight control - Shedding excess pounds takes unnecessary pressure off your veins.

  • Exercise. Get your legs moving. Walking is a great way to encourage blood circulation in your legs.
If you have a healthy leg vein tip you'd like to share, click on the comment link below and start typing right now!

Chet Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Memory Improvement Tips

I'd like to share five easy-to-do natural tips for improving your memory.
  1. Increase your pure water consumption.

  2. Stop drinking any other liquids. No more soft drinks, coffee, etc.

  3. Increase high fiber foods.

  4. Get some sun 20-30 minutes per day with as much skin exposed as is safe. Do not use sun screens. Start with shorter times if you live in a hot sun area. Don't sun bathe during the hottest parts of the day.

  5. Get mild exercise. Start with 10 minutes of walking and build additional minutes each day until you can walk briskly for 60 minutes.
After as little as 15 days you should experience improvement.

Chet Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Monday, April 10, 2006

Eyestrain Symptom Tip

The next time you're experiencing an eyestrain symptom, try the “Distant Night Exercise.”

Here’s how it works:
  1. Sit down in a chair and place your elbows on your knees or a table.

  2. Face your palms toward your face and slightly cup the lower portion of your hands while keeping your fingers straight.

  3. Place your eyes in the cups of your hands, which should gently rest above and below the bone surrounding your eye and cheek. No portion of your hand should touch your eyeball, but it is alright if your eyelashes brush against your palm. The fingers of both hands should slightly overlap resting near the center top of your forehead. With your eyes open, be sure there is no light entering into your eyes.

  4. While maintaining this position, relax and close your eyes while you imagine you’re looking into the distant night. Remember, your eyes are relaxed as they look out at a distance – the purpose of this exercise.

  5. As you focus into the distance you should feel a reduction in eyestrain caused by the near point activity.
Click here to learn all about a natural vision correction system with a 94% success rate.

Chet Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Apple Honey Tea

Today I'd like to share an easy and healthy recipe for a comforting and healing drink.

Apple Honey Tea

3 or 4 apples, unpeeled, cored and sliced
6 cups cold water (filtered or spring is best)
1 Tbs freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 Tbs honey

Put the apples and the cold water in a covered saucepan and simmer for two hours.

Remove from heat and strain. Add the lemon juice and honey and drink hot. You can make this tea in advance and store it in the refrigerator and heat up a cup at a time.

Note: If you want to use your slow cooker instead of the stove, put the apples and water in the crockpot, cover, turn the temperature to high and let simmer for a couple hours. Then add the other ingredients and start sipping.

Apples are thought to have cooling properties that help reduce a fever, in addition to the other proven health benefits of the fruit.

The sweet flavor of this tea is soothing to adults and children alike.

Chet Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Bilberry for Eye Health

My wife's been an insulin-dependent diabetic for more than 40 years, and in the late 1980's she developed diabetic retinopathy, a common problem in long-term diabetics.

She had laser surgery at that time to seal the leaking blood vessels in both eyes.

Not wanting to go through that sort of thing again, she started researching natural solutions to eye problems. She liked what she read about bilberry more than anything else, so she started taking 500-mg bilberry capsules twice a day.

In addition to the bilberry, her health routine consisted of eating a healthy diet and drinking at least one 8-ounce serving each day of freshly extracted vegetable juice -- celery, carrot, Romaine lettuce, etc.

At her next check-up, the doctor said, "This is unusual. The retinopathy is no longer progressing."

Than, at the next six-month check-up, the doctor said, "I've never seen this. Your retinopathy is reversing."

After two years, the retinopathy was totally gone, and all she had was scar tissue from the laser surgery.

I checked out bilberry at and learned:
Possible mechanisms of action for its effects on ophthalmic conditions include its ability to protect against the breakdown of rhodopsin (retinal purple), a light sensitive pigment located in the rods of the retina, and its ability to regenerate rhodopsin. It may also provide vasoprotection by decreasing capillary fragility and permeability (Bone and Morgan, 1997; Regtop, 1998)
With all that said, of course, the single most important thing for eyes and diabetics is to keep the blood sugar well-regulated, which my wife did then and continues to do now by testing her blood sugar level multiple times each day and correcting accordingly with injected insulin.

It's April of 2006 as I write this entry, and my wife has had no additional problems with retinopathy, which continues to astonish the specialist who monitors her eyes twice a year.

For those interested, she currently takes one or two 500-mg bilberry capsules every day, as well as one or two 20-mg lutein capsules, which she added to her routine a few years ago.

Chet "Bilberry for Eye Health" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Walnuts Lower Cholesterol

Walnuts aren't just weapons anymore.

In fact, they may well play a significant part in lowering cholesterol.

You see, Spanish researchers in 2004 fed people with high cholesterol a heart-healthy diet (vegetables, fish, very little red meat or eggs, and olive oil as the only cooking fat) for 12 weeks.

The small study, conducted at the Lipid Clinic in Barcelona, substituted walnuts for about one-third of the calories from olives, olive oil, and other monounsaturated fats in a Mediterranean diet.

Walnuts were found to increase the elasticity of arteries by 64 per cent, and to reduce cell adhesion molecules associated with hardening of the arteries by 20 per cent.

Though LDL cholesterol levels dropped during both halves of the 12 weeks, they dropped significantly more during the walnut weeks.

"These results came from only eight to 11 walnuts a day," says Joan Sabate, M.D., Dr.P.H., the study author, from Loma Linda University in California.

It's possible that a combo of monounsaturated fats (olive oil) and polyunsaturated fats (walnuts) whacks cholesterol.

Consequently, if you haven't already, you may soon see claims on walnuts stating: "Supportive but not conclusive research shows that eating 1.5 oz of walnuts per day, as part of a low saturated fat and low cholesterol diet, and not resulting in increased caloric intake may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. See nutrition information for fat [and calorie] content."

So add some walnuts to your diet, for Pete's sake.

Chet "Walnuts Lower Cholesterol" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

Monday, April 03, 2006

Cold Sore Treatment

Today I'd like to share a cold sore treatment that many people swear by.

You see, I've suffered from cold sores and mouth ulcers since I was neck high to a fire plug, so my life took a turn for the better when at age 51 I found a cold sore treatment that actually helped my body deactivate within a day or two the herpes simplex virus that allegedly causes cold sore outbreaks.

And, no, this cold sore remedy I learned about is not some expensive doctor-prescribed pharmaceutical that costs a kneecap and a sternum bone to purchase.

Instead it's an amino acid called lysine, and you can purchase it at any drug store, health food store, or probably even grocery store these days.

Lysine comes in 500 mg and 1000 mg tablets and capsules. The capsules cost more but are a lot easier to swallow. I buy the tablets because I'm cheap, but I can't swallow them whole because they're about as big around as a Cadillac steering wheel.

So I chew them first and then swish 'em down with a big glass of water. Yes, the tablets taste bad, but, hey, that's the price we cheap guys pay for saving a couple bucks.

Whenever I feel a cold sore coming on, I take at least 1500 mg of lysine twice a day.

Before I close, I'm happy to update the above by pointing out that my cold sore problem ended just about completely in September of 2003 when I started brushing my teeth with Tooth Soap. Once I started using this product, I no longer had to rely on lysine, and I've only had a few minor outbreaks since then.

Chet "Cold Sore Treatment" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

P.S. If you have a favorite cold sore treatment, click on the comments link below and share it with us.