Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Workout Recovery Drink

I don't know about you, but after I finish jogging or lifting weights, I can usually go for a refreshing workout recovery drink.

And of course having a nutrient-rich drink is a smart thing to do since you've just stressed your body and broken down millions of cells. At this point, you need something nutritious to help your ole bod create healthy, new cells.

My favorite post work-out cell replacer is an 8-ounce glass of freshly extracted vegetable juice composed of about two ounces of carrot juice mixed with six ounces of a combination of celery, kale, Romaine lettuce, tomato, apple, and anything else that looks good in the veggie bin.

Swirling the first mouthful of this concoction through the choppers and up and over the tongue is a taste treat that can't be beat.

Adding a little dab of hot sauce or juicing a tiny jalapeno without the other veggies (juice it first so the next user of the juice machine isn't in for a hot surprise) makes a memorable drink that will leave you smacking your lips in happiness.

So sweat up a storm with your daily exercise and then feed the cells with a fresh glass of veggie juice. What a great way to end an afternoon with a delicious workout recovery drink.

Chet Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

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