Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Lemon Juice Tips

Toay I want to babble on a bit about a healthy fruit that doesn't get nearly as much attention as it should... the lowly lemon, which is wonderfully rich in nature's purest vitamin C.

Did you know that lemon juice is an antioxidant?

It's true. German studies reported that lemon peel exhibits remarkable antioxidant activity, activity unrelated to vitamin C.

As you no doubt know, antioxidants work beneficially on human cells, especially in terms of providing protection against cancer and aging.

Oh, here's a little lemon juice tip for you pregnant ladies... fresh lemon juice squeezed into pure water reduces or gets rid of morning sickness.

If dandruff problems are giving you fits, add a tablespoon of lemon juice to your shampoo, and enjoy the results. Be sure to rinse well with plenty of water. Warning: lemon juice can lighten the color of your hair, so keep that in mind.

Canker or other mouth sores? Try gargling with lemon juice and pure water.

If you're spending a lot of money on soft drinks, try squeezing fresh lemon juice into tonic or carbonated water. Whoa, good!

So the next time you're at the supermarket, get a bag of fresh lemons and put them to use in your diet.

Chet Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

P.S. Oh, one more thing. If you like lemonade, click here to learn about my popular collection of 33 classic recipes.


  1. Mmm, delicious, I love lemons! Hardly a day goes by that I don't use some lemon juice. Lemon juice can also be used as a natural beauty aid...just steam your face with some freshly squeezed lemon juice once a week, you will be amazed at the results! This works especially well as part of an acne treatment routine. Also, lemon juice will make your nails strong and white!

  2. I find lemon in naturally carbonated water is even better than plain water for helping with morning sickness. Also, a few years ago I went to an Ayurvedic practitioner for some health issues. Even though I was drinking lots of water (usually a bit more than the "recommended" amount), my lips and skin were dry. She recommended that I mix *about* a teaspoon of lemon juice and *about* a teaspoon of sucanat (the real stuff) in a 500 mL water bottle (the amounts can be adjusted to taste) as my body didn't seem to be absorbing the water very well. It was great and refreshing. It is basically a natural electrolyte drink, like Gatorade, only without the harmful chemicals. I got my dad to switch from Gatorade to the lemon/sucanat drink and he loves it, too!

  3. If you eat out often, ask for water with lemon instead of what you usually drink. You will be healthier and save some money as well.

  4. Warm water with 1 teaspoon of lemon drunk first thing in the morning helps the bowel movements and reduce weight.

  5. If you're not buying organic fruits and vegetables some lemon juice and a pinch of sea salt added to the water you're rinsing your fruits and vegetables in will help remove some of the stubborn "stuff" found on regular produce.

  6. Lemons are a natural antibiotic, and kills germs. After I squeeze out the juice, I use the lemon to wipe down my cutting boards and sink.

  7. Ants HATE lemon juice !!!!! If ants use a corner of your home as an hotel give a strong message to the unwelcome 'guests! Liberally sprinkly pure lemon juice along their pathways and around you rubbish bins etc and they will get the message..and YES...it does WORK !!!...like magic.

  8. a teaspoon of lemon juice in your chocolate chip cookie batter makes the cookies come out soft and chewy every time.

  9. :D I love lemon water. I always drink some before I start my day and working out. Fresh bag of organic lemons every 2 weeks.
    Thanks for the Gatorade substitute. I just started using Sucanat a few weeks ago. I will definitely try using this mix.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The antioxidant properties help to reduce free radicals, thereby reducing free radical damage to your body. Lemons also help to detox the body by releasing toxins that are stored in fat cells. Once the toxins are released, the fat is easier to get rid of also, so it helps you Detox and Lose Weight at the same time.Stevia helps add some sweetness to the lemon juice so it reduces the bitter taste and also adds some good nutrients of its own. The great properties of lemons is why 'The Lemonade Diet' has become so popular.

  12. It's a good idea to always rinse your mouth out well with pure water after consuming anything with a lot of lemon juice, because the acids in lemons WILL erode the enamel on your teeth! I went through a period years ago of craving lemons, and would slice them into wedges, sprinkle some dulse flakes on them and eat everything but the rind. I soon started noticing the surface of my upper front teeth were feeling "rough", and to my dismay discovered the enamel had been eroded. I had to have caps put on 3 teeth because of that.

  13. Yes, always rinse your mouth after sipping lemon water.
    Tooth enamel does erode!
    Even after using tooth soap for years and having them cleaned every 3 months my teeth had roughened and discolored.
    Narrowed it down to the daily lemons.
    Fortunately, the Dentist has a prescription paste that will smooth and re-enamel.
    After one month my teeth are smooth again.
    Love my lemons! but will ever-after rinse.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Remember everyone- carbonated water contains a high amount of phosphorous, which can promote bone loss, so stick to the plain water and lemon!

  16. What was the name of the prescription paste that smoothed out your teeth?

  17. Another fun fact. If you get UTI's don't cure yourself with the false cranberry juice flush. Use fresh juice of lemons (around 4). I went to a urologist after many issues and she explained that the waxy coating on the cranberries is what helps your urinary tract- so the juice is no good. Back to lemons, she said they are so acidic that they change the Ph of the urine so the bacteria that is growing can no longer live!
