Friday, February 09, 2007

Stop Brain Fog Foods

Most people experience some brain fog many times during the week, especially at work in mid-afternoon. That's when they chug another cup of coffee full of caffeine and sugar or bounce over to the vending machine to purchase a "gimme a lift" candy bar.

Well, I understand wanting to have a clear head with a functioning brain in the ol' skull cavity, so today I'd like to point out a few healthy foods you can use to dissipate brain fog when it comes rolling in...

The Number One natural brain-boosting favorite heath food I've used myself and heard about over the years is organic baby spinach. This probably sounds nuts if you've never tried it, but munching a handful or two of raw baby spinach will give you a mental and physical lift like you wouldn't believe.

Other brain-lifting munchies would include sardines, tuna, turkey, and a good quality green tea. Almonds also work.

Stay away from grains... they tend to dull thinking power rather than to lift it.

That's it for this Friday.

Chet "Sharp as a Tack at 59" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus


  1. Hi Chet,

    Thanks for the article!

    I thought turkey has something that caused sleepiness?


  2. It does, but you have to understand that it doesn't pass the brain blood barrier that easily when there's other amino acids present in the blood (like from turkey) :)

    The 'something' that causes 'sleepiness' is an amino acid - L-tryptophan which is a precursor to a substance called melatonin which regulates sleep-wake cycle.
    Melatonin is released when you go to sleep and "resets" your bodily clock to zero when you wake up.

    Melatonin, serotonin and tryptophan are closely related and can transform from one form to another to some degree, tryptophan being the precursor for melatonin AND serotonin.

    The main reason why you'd get sleepy from turkey isn't actually turkey's fault, it's the other stuff you eat (that cause serotonin release which is also a precursor to melatonin) :)

    To get sleepy from turkey, you'd have to eat a whole lot of turkey ... like a kilo or so :)

    Btw, any of you ever tried fasting?
