Thursday, October 18, 2007

Panic Attack Tips

Panic attacks are no fun. Anyone who's ever had one will testify to that.

Prescription drugs as a solution to panic attacks aren't any fun, either. Those who have suffered the various side effects will testify to that.

Happily, there are many natural alternatives you can put to use when a panic attack strikes. I want to share three of them with you today.

The first technique?

Use your nose and sniff something that reminds you of when you were a kid. Baby powder works well for many people because its smell evokes happy memories of childhood. This kind of aroma therapy works because bringing back happy memories results in relaxation where fear has less power. Other suggestions for relaxing smells include cookies right out of the oven, freshly cut flowers, and various essential oils.

Second, when a panic attack strikes, consciously slow down your breathing. Here's an easy technique to do just that:

Take a deep breath. Hold for a second. Exhale slowly and start to focus inwardly. Repeat several more times until you feel yourself relaxing.

When you're quiet and still, stay that way, with no thoughts of anything other than breathing in and breathing out.

Just be like the space between your breaths: silent, still, and blissful.

Finally, if you suffer panic attacks, stop consuming coffee and other liquids and foods that contain caffeine -- tea, chocolate, colas, energy drinks, and all the other so-called "power boosters" on the market today. If you want extra energy, eat less and exercise more.

The techniques you just learned about will dramatically ease panic attacks IF you put them to use.

If you have a panic attack tip you'd like to share, click on the "comment" link below and start typing! :)

Chet "No Panic Attacks" Day
Editor, The Natural Health Circus

1 comment:

  1. I have suffered from panic attacks my whole life. What I finally realized after many years is that they stem from fear. Sometimes you don't even know what you are afraid of. In dealing with them - facing your fears head on is the most helpful. Cranial Sacral therapy helped me as well as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Lastly - for instant oh my gosh when the panic comes over you like a wave - the homeopathic remedy aconite works wonders. It has saved me from having a full blown panic attack while driving many times.
