Monday, December 05, 2005

Building Self Esteem

Today I'd like to share some techniques for building self esteem that I learned from the late Declan Twohig of London, England.

Let's begin with an important question:

Do you regard your lack of success in life as a failure?

If you do, and for as long as you do, that's the length of time you'll be immobilized and unable to succeed.

When you change your attitude toward failure -- when you think of failure as a result YOU produced -- then you can start to change your results.

Did you know you can only think one thought at a time? You can think a lot of things during any given amount of time, but you can only think ONE thought at a time.

That being the case, what are you thinking right now?
If you don't like what you're thinking in any given moment, use this technique to change it.
The second you realize you don't like what you are thinking, put your hand on your heart and smile. Not only will this make you feel better because touching your heart is a symbol of love, but it will get your mind off what you were thinking.
Practice this technique every day and soon your mind will produce positive thoughts instead of life-draining negative ones..

Guess what else you'll be good at?


Want some more tips for building self esteem?

Here are five simple and effective techniques...
  1. Greet others with a smile.
  2. Always show real appreciation for a gift or compliment.
  3. Talk positively.
  4. Increase your level of creativity.
  5. View a failure as the conclusion of one performance and immediately move on to the next. Realize the failure is NOT the end of your life. Remember that there's always hope ahead.
Self-esteem can be defined as a two-way street to happiness. When you're happy, you make others happy. When you make others happy, you feel better. When your brain knows you're happy, it shoots your self-esteem way up.

Practice these techniques for a week and then note how much better you feel from doing them.

You'll be amazed because your life will be happier and healthier.

Chet Day
Editor, The Health Circus

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